Things Coach Groves Told Me, Without Ever Saying The Words
- Life isn't fair.? Get over it.
- Hard work is sometimes the only reward.
- Shut the damn window.
- If life hands you lemons, kick it in the groin.
- Charge the uphills.? And the downhills!
- Kickers are often badly beaten by other, better kickers.
- In bed by 11:00, home by 1:00. (not verified)
- Trust but verify.
- You ran a good race, but you should have run better.
- 3 up, 12 x 400 (72), 3 down. (on Wednesdays)
- Morning runs after 9:00 am don't count.
- There is no need for seat-belts in a van.
- If you can't kick a man when he's down, you don't deserve to kick him. (not verified)?
- If you can't squat 200 pounds you ain't worth a damn as a distance runner.
- (add more via the comments...)

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